This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is developed to inform the users of Rider’s Club mobile application (“App”) about what personal data we collect, how we collect it, why and how we process and store it and to whom and why we transfer it.

We strongly recommend you to read this Policy carefully. We have tried to keep the Policy plain and clear, but if there is anything unclear or not understood or should you have any queries or need any further information, please contact us via the contact details given under in the section “How to Contact Us?” below.

Please be aware that you should not provide personal data of others to us, unless you obtain their prior consent by informing them about this Policy.

I. Who are we?

The data controller for your personal data collected through the App is MINYASAS DMCC, whose register oce is located at Jewellery & Gemplex 3 Dubai, BAE (“we” or “us” or “Rider’s Club”). Therefore, we are responsible for deciding how and why we hold and use your personal data.

II. When do we collect your personal data?

We may collect your personal data from you or your devices, when you:

When you log in the App via your Facebook or Google account, we will collect your name and surname and email address from those third parties.

III. What data do we collect about you?

Types of your personal data we may collect and the methods used for their collection are given below: (i) Information collected when you create a user account: In order to create a user account you will be asked to provide your name and surname, email address and to create a password. We may also ask you to choose security questions to answer (e.g., your best friend’s name) when you have forgotten password of your account. We may also demand further information for identication or conrmation purposes, in order to enforce the Terms of Use, secure our system and comply with our obligations under law.

(ii) Information collected when you create a club account:

When you create or complete a club account, you need to provide a club name and description. You may also add additional content such as the prole photo, club badge, and set club rules, including membership requirements.

(iii) Information collected when you complete your personal prole or motorcycle prole:

We will collect your data you have added to complete your personal prole, including (but not limited to) your gender, your birthday, phone number, home/work address, prole photo, short biography, motorcycle riding clothes. We may also collect data you added to your motorcycle prole, including (but not limited to) the brand, model, year and other features of your motorcycle(s), their photos and accessories and information about rides during which the motorcycle is used.

(iv) Information collected when you post, add or text any content:

We may collect the content (videos, photos, comments, messages etc.) you posted, added or texted on or through your prole or club pages or accounts.

(v) Information collected when you plan, create or join a ride:

The App enables its users to plan rides, create routes and meet in real life to ride together as a group. When you plan, create or join a ride, we may collect and store data relating to your ride, including (but not limited to) riding route, location, the date of the ride, the persons or group you ride with, stops made during the ride and your reviews. When you delete your riding data according to Section VII below, we may continue to store and process the deleted riding routes, the date of route, stops during the ride and reviews as anonymized. Such anonymization will be made in a frame that you will not be traceable through anonymized information. We may also ask you to provide certain information such as your identity card and driver’s license details and vehicle information, if you are looking for joining a ride, in order to support the safety and trust of the ride.

(vi) Information collected when you use the App via a device:

When you use the App through any device, we may collect internet protocol (IP) address, and other information about the device you use to access the App (e.g. device ID, unique identier, device type, unique device token, trac, referral URL and geo-location data) and log your use of the App

IV. Why we process your personal data?

We may collect, acquire, record, organize, store, adapt, alter, use, disclose, transfer, align, categorize, and combine your personal data for the following purposes:

V. On what legal grounds do we process your personal data?

We may process your personal data only if we have a legal ground to do so according to applicable data protection law. We determine the legal grounds based on the personal data concerned and the specic context in which we collect it. However, we will normally rely on one or more the following legal grounds to process your personal data:

The conclusion and performance of a contract with you : 

We may use your personal data to perform our obligations under a contract with you or to enter into such a contract. For example, the Terms of Use will constitute a contract between you and us, and we may process your personal data for the purpose of its performance.

Compliance with our legal obligations

In some cases, we may process your personal data to comply with our legal obligations under applicable laws.

Our legitimate interest

To the extent that it is not overridden by your rights, we may process your personal data to pursue our legitimate interests, for example, to understand the use of the App by our users, operate the App more efficiently, improve our online advertising and provide safety of the App and our other electronic systems.


In certain cases, we may need your consent to process your personal data. For example, based on your consent, we may use your data to send you marketing emails or notifications. You can always withdraw or manage your consents through your account settings.

VI. Who do we share your data with?

We will not transfer your personal data to third parties without your prior consent, except as permitted under applicable law or this Policy. For the purposes listed in the section “Why Do We Process Your Personal Data?” above, we may transfer your personal data to:

We will not share your personal data with third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes without your consent. Your data we have collected may be transferred to, stored and processed in the country or territory where our servers or service providers are located. In any event, we will provide appropriate protection for your personal data in line with this Policy, regardless of where the data resides.

Choosing to whom and what to share on or through the App

You choose with whom and what you want to share, when you share or communicate on or through the App. You can manage the sharing options through account settings. In addition, you can choose the audience for each post, ride or information you have shared on the App. Whey you chat with other users through the App, such users will see your messages. By messaging other users, you accept the risk that such persons may share your messages with third parties. You hereby accept that we cannot be held responsible for such actions of the other users or third parties.

VII. How can you delete personal data on the App?

You can always delete any post, information, ride or any other content you have shared on the App by using account settings or control panel for the relevant content. You can also delete or suspend your account through account settings. When you delete your account or any specific content, we will normally cease to store the deleted content or all content on your account in the event of the deletion of your account, except that:

In cases other than the foregoing, we will retain your personal information as long as it is necessary for the purposes outlined in this Policy. When it is no longer necessary to retain your data, we will either delete or anonymize it. If we process your data based on your consent and we have no other lawful ground to continue with that processing, we will delete or anonymize your such data upon the withdrawal of your consent.

VIII. What are your rights over your personal data?

Subject to applicable data protection law, you may have the following rights over your personal data:

If you wish to exercise either of the rights above, please direct your query or request to us via the contact details given under the section “How to Contact Us?” below. Please be aware that where we have reasonable doubts concerning your identity, we may request additional information in order to conrm your identity, before we take any action upon any of your requests mentioned above. In addition, we may decline to process requests that jeopardize the privacy of others, or for which access is not otherwise required by applicable law.

IX. Third-Party Applications and Websites

In order to ensure the ecient working of the App and provide the services thereon, we may use the support of third-party applications. For example, we use [Google Map] for geo-location and mapping services or features of the App. The App may also contain links to third-party websites. Please be aware that those third-party applications and websites are governed by their own privacy policies or notices. We advise you to learn about privacy policies of such applications and websites before you use those third-party application or the relevant feature of the App based on such applications or visit those third-party websites

X. Updates

We may revise this Policy from time to time. The most current version of the Policy will always be on the App. We may also choose to email you about the updates made to the Policy depending on the importance of such updates. If required by law, we will get your consent or give you the opportunity to opt out of any new uses of your data.

XI. How to contact us?

If you have any queries, concerns, or requests about the process of your personal data or this Policy, please contact us by sending an email to []or posting to our correspondence address: []. We will examine such communications and reply within a reasonable time.

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